Houston County Administration Building Hours
Beginning Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the Houston County Administration Building will resume opening at 7:00 a.m. We will continue to close the building at 3:00 p.m. until further notice. In the interest of Public Health and Safety, there will still be limitations on access and services and we are asking those who can continue to use the web, mail-in, and drop-box services. We cannot overemphasize the importance of this to our citizens as we work to try to stay safe from what is an ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.
Items to note:
- Administration building will be open from 7:00 am until 3:00 pm. No one will be allowed to enter the line after 3:00 p.m.
- We ask citizens to not come to the Administration Building if they are able to transact their business on the internet, via mail, or in the drop box which is clearly marked with a red flag at the front of the building.
- If you must enter the Administration Building, we ask that you wear a facial covering, or mask, in accordance with CDC, Alabama Public Health, and the Governor's Guidelines. We want to keep you, your family, and our employees safe through this health crisis.
- No family or friends will be allowed to enter the building with the person here to transact business. If you have others accompanying you, they will need to wait in the car. Additionally, no bags, backpacks, or other unnecessary items will be allowed in the building. Only bring what you need to transact your business.
- As you enter the building, you will be screened. No one showing a temperature will be allowed admission into the building and will be encouraged to see a medical professional.
For additional information, County offices may be contacted at 334/677-4740, Probate offices at 334/677-4729 and the general county website is www.houstoncounty.org.