Frequently Asked Questions
Job Openings Benefits Employee Resources Board of Directors Spending Efficiency Program FAQ Department HomeNon-Employees
Can you pull/copy the application I previously submitted and add it to the new job you just posted?
How do I check my application status?
How do I attach my resume to my application?
Has _________ position been filled yet?
How do I get an interview?
Former Employees
Do I still get my vacation/comp/holiday pay?
How do I change my address as a former employee to get my W2?
How do I draw out my retirement? What do I do about my RSA account?
How long is my health insurance effective?
What about my Flex Card?
How do I change my beneficiary on RSA?
I am now eligible for Medicare. What do I need to do?
What other Healthcare options do I have?
Current Employees
How do I change my address as a current employee?
How do I change my beneficiaries?
How do I change my direct deposit?
How do I change my medical Insurance? (Divorce, Married, New Baby, Death)
How do I change my tax withholding amounts?
How do I get a copy of my stub and/or W2?
How do I get my annual leave or sick leave hours available?
What do I need to do to get FMLA?
What is my current grade and step?
When can I retire?