If your last name begins with C or E, you will need to renew car tags this month. Renewal cards are mailed on the 1st, with options to renew via mail or pay online.
If your last name begins with C or E, you will need to renew car tags this month. Renewal cards are mailed on the 1st, with options to renew via mail or pay online.
The Alabama Mandatory Liability Insurance (MLI) Law provides that no person shall operate, register, or maintain registration of a motor vehicle designed to be used on a public road or highway unless it is covered by a liability insurance policy.
Beginning January 1, 2013, license plate issuing officials will attempt to verify liability insurance utilizing the State of Alabama Online Insurance Verification System, which will allow license plate issuing officials to immediately verify the insurance status of a vehicle at any point in time.
If insurance cannot be verified through the Online Insurance Verification System, vehicle owners must provide evidence of insurance to the license plate issuing official. The insurance card is the most common evidence of current insurance. To be acceptable, the proof of insurance must display the current effective date, the insurer's NAIC number, vehicle identification number (VIN), and policy number.
In addition to providing evidence of insurance, a valid state-issued driver's license or non-driver identification card must be provided for each owner reflected on the vehicle title. If the vehicle owner is a company, the federal employer identification number (FEIN) is required.
Please provide the following items if renewing in person at the Houston County Administrative Building or any remote tag site or include copies if renewing by US mail or by dropping in the Houston County Drop Box.
The above information will also be required for all online renewals. Online renewal transactions may be completed online at probate.houstoncountyal.gov under the tab, pay and renew online. You may also renew by phone by calling 205-263-1573 Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 CST.
Starting January 1st, 2017 anyone that has obtained a handicapped registration placard or license plate must recertify. Your handicapped certification letter will be valid for five years with an expiration year of 2022.
You will receive a new certification letter in the mail, if you have been deemed permanently disabled by your physician, please self certify by signing your signature to the letter enclosed with your renewal as well as completing the top portion. If you are considered temporarily disabled by your physician you will need to have a new form on file.
Disability Access Parking Credentials Application