Millage Rate
Once your property's assessed value has been determined, millage rates can be used to calculate taxes due. Your assessed value multiplied by the millage rate produces an unadjusted tax bill total. Note that millage rates are higher for municipalities.
State General Fund
2.50 mills
Special Soldier Fund
1.00 mills
State School Fund
3.00 mills
Total State Millage
6.50 mills
County General Fund
7.00 mills
County Road and Bridge Fund
3.50 mills
County Wide School Fund
4.50 mills
Southeast Alabama Medical Center
4.00 mills
Total County Millage
19.00 mills
Special School District Tax
3.50 mills
Additional school levy
2.00 mills
Municipal Tax*
5.00 mills
Total State, County and Municipal Millage
36.00 mills
* Tax is collected for the following municipalities Dothan, Ashford, Columbia, Gordon, Webb, Kinsey, Taylor, Rehobeth, Madrid, and Cottonwood.